Raja Ampat • Misool Eco Resort
April 6-15 or April 6-22, 2027

We’re headed back!
Our 2023 trip to Raja Ampat was so incredible, we’re headed back in April 2027! Quite simply, this is one of the best dive destination in the world. And, we couldn’t get enough! In 2027 you will have your choice of a 9-night stay or a limited number of spots for an incredible 16-night stay! Check back soon for details on this up coming 2027 trip…
About Raja Ampat
This is a dream trip for us at Mountain Ocean Scuba. We want to make it extra special for you. Raja Ampat lies in the heart of the Coral Triangle. It holds the prestigious title as the most marine biodiverse place on earth. Quite a title; but also a fact. At its most recent count in 2011 Raja Ampat was recognized to contain an abundance of marine life. 1427 reef fishes and over 600 coral species (75% of the world’s coral species can be found here). Not to mention the pelagic life that is abundant in the area.
About the Resort
This resort island is a true tropical hideaway. Located just south of the equator and hidden in an archipelago of uninhabited islands, the island is fringed with powder-white beaches and pristine coral reefs. With a maximum capacity of just 40 guests and a staff-to-guest ratio of 4 to 1, Misool offers exclusive adventure holidays and transformative experiences in pristine nature.
Diving Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat diving is breathtakingly spectacular, and truly unforgettable. Hard and soft corals compete for space on reefs that are bursting with life and color. Swarms of small fish such as damsels, fusiliers and anthias mill about on the reef flats. Not too far away the large schools of tuna, trevally and mackerel congregate. Batfish, surgeonfish and barracuda aggregate around jetties and reef points. While angel and butterflyfish decorate both the reef flats and jagged coral towers that are home to abundant marine life. [info from Papua Explorers]
General Itinerary
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Itinerary details are currently being worked out.
Not Included:
Your Costs:
Payment info coming soon.
Merantau: Misool’s private transfer boat